
    A man who never stops to achieve his goal, nurturing his skills with the help of his peers and with the full support of his parents. As the eldest among the 9 kids of Salvador Devio Gesto, an electrician, and Rosalie Gellera Gesto, a housewife, from Mahabang Parang Angono Rizal, the “Art Capital of the Philippines, created one of its greatest arts of today.

    This man never stops to aim high, while being the Music Ministry Head and guitarist of the Saint Joseph the worker Parish, achieving his goals, and setting an example to his peers and siblings. An unwavering determination, built as a solid rock, became his foundation in sculpting his dreams and his stepping stone to his success. He works as a service crew in a fast food chain teaching him how to persevere in this unfair life and making him ready for the next stage of challenges. He graduated from ICCT Colleges Inc. and became a Registered Criminologist before entering the academy.

    “At first I have my doubts, I don’t know if this is the best course of action”, this is the question that haunts me in my first week of cadetship in addition to the mind-wreaking pressure and exhausting physical activity. But these challenges became my motivation to do better and search my soul for what I want to do.

    With the all restless days and cold nights, the motivation and hard work, and letting God set my moral compass, the cadet became a member of the “Cream of the Nation’s Finest” Silent Drill Company, a proud member of “The Strong Arms of the Corps” Slow Drill Platoon, Cadet-in-charge Catholic Action Group, and PNPA Glee Club, assistant CIC Marathon Corps Squad, and Obstacle Racings Course Squad.

    This became an avenue for me to further hone and develop new skills. Joined different competitions; SPARTAN CHALLENGE, SAF RUN, SAF MENTORS RUN, and alike, being a champion in multiple events, learning, and building relationship to the community.

    PCDT GESTO does not claim credit for his accomplishments, despite the tremendous work put forth and the battles he won. He dedicates her achievements to his family, who have always had faith in him, and to God, who is the source of all strength while being firmly embedded on the ground.

    To my parents, this is just the start of another journey, may God Bless us more and give success to us. I will always bear in mind the lesson that both of you have taught me, becoming a leader and role model to the youth.

    To the youth like me, never let the fire in your heart and passion serve this country wither, and always remember to seek God in the greatest challenges that you may face.

    Source: Philippine National Police Academy