
    “If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now” by Master Shifu is the mantra P/CDT Alabado live by. Born and raised from the roots of Bulacan, the eldest of two siblings, P/CDT Alabado was raised to become a leader and take charge when things get rough. After journeying the valley of shadow and death, throughout the PNPACAT into the application process and finally becoming part of the exclusive and proud MASIDTALAK Class of 2023.

    “I never thought becoming a PNPA Cadet would be my destiny until I met my teacher,” shared P/CDT Alabado his sentiments in being a PNPA Cadet. Coming from a family that thrives on open communication, mutual respect, and unwavering support, where everyone is cherished and embraced. There was a time where he had no idea of what his future would be until he met his professor. His professor who would soon become his classmate was one big instrument in his journey in becoming part of the long maroon line of the CCPNP.

    “It was hard but it was nothing I couldn’t handle,” gushed P/CDT Alabado. As he had something to prove to his family and to his province. Satisfyingly, he has solidified his standing in the upcoming Commencement Exercises this March 10, 2023.

    As a member of the Bravo Company, or better known as the Braves of the Corps. It was an epic odyssey as the Bravo Company was acknowledged to be one stiff and rigorous company. Getting out of his comfort zone and reaching one’s peak performance is what was needed in order for him to adapt and unleash his full potential.

    “I never once thought I would resign,” laughed P/CDT Alabado. Overcoming obstacles with effort and determination in navigating each day’s challenges, P/CDT Alabado surely showed his classmates and upperclassmen what he was made.

    “Cycling was my life when I was a civilian,” declared P/CDT Alabado. He indulged himself in the art of cycling. He became in love with the thrill of traversing new territories on his trusty bike became unrivaled, and the sense of accomplishment upon reaching his desired endpoint is truly incomparable.

    His experience as a PNPA Cadet mirrored his cycling excursions, where he confronted arduous terrains, including steep ascents, on his way to diverse destinations. Yet, P/CDT Alabado persists unwaveringly and propelled by his relentless spirit. P/CDT Alabado showed unwavering fortitude as he surmounted any obstacle in his cadet life, grappling with challenges like homesickness. Nonetheless, P/CDT Alabado refused to succumb to these hardships, instead channeling them as motivation to excel in his studies and tactics, transforming them into a wellspring of inner strength and motivation to overcome the daily grind.

    As he draws near to his graduation as a distinguished member of the MASIDTALAK Class of 2023 and his commissioning as a Philippine National Police officer, P/CDT Alabado’s emotions run high, akin to the exhilaration and gratitude he experiences upon nearing his cycling destination.

    “It has been a long and wild ride,” chimed P/CDT as he thinks about the four year cadetship program finally coming into a close.

    Source: Philippine National Police Academy